What is melanoma and treatment of stage 1 to 3 melanoma
The incidence of melanoma is increasing. Based upon data obtained between 2004 and 2006, the lifetime probability of developing melanoma in the United States is estimated to be 1 in 37 for men and 1 in 56 for women. This risk is substantially greater than noted in 1985 and 1965, when the lifetime risks for both sexes combined were estimated to be 1 in 150 and 1 in 600, respectively.
In the United States, melanoma is the fifth leading cancer in men and the seventh in women.
Clinical and epidemiologic evidence demonstrates higher rates of melanoma in people with extensive or repeated intense exposure to sunlight. The majority of melanomas develop on sun-exposed skin, particularly in areas that are more susceptible to sunburn. Individuals with naturally dark skin or whose skin darkens easily upon sun exposure have lower rates of melanoma, supporting the concept that greater penetration of UV light into the skin results in a higher risk.
Ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B, wavelengths 290 to 320 nanometers) appears more closely associated with the development of melanoma than UV-A (wavelengths 320 to 400 nanometers). Melanomas tend to be associated with intense, intermittent sun exposure and sunburns and they frequently occur in areas exposed to the sun only sporadically (eg, the back in men, the legs in women).
Here, Dr. Tony Talebi discusses the general concept of what is melanoma and treatment of stage 1 to 3 melanoma with world renowned melanoma expert Dr. Jeff Weber, professor of medicine at the Moffitt Comprehensive Cancer Center. The discussion includes symptoms, cause, diagnosis, staging, surgery, IL-2, chemotherapy, ipulimumab (Yervoy), and BRAF-inhibitor vemurafenib (Zelforab) treatment of melanoma,Melanomaprognosis, what causesmelanoma, signs ofmelanoma, melanomasymptoms, melanoma, melanomastage 4, treatment ofmelanoma, melanomaassociation, stage fourmelanoma, small cellmelanoma, symtoms ofmelanoma,causes ofmelanoma, melanomachemotherapy, what ismelanoma, melanomas, melanomainformation, melanomaprevention, stage 4melanoma, information aboutmelanoma, stage ivmelanoma, melanomasigns, melanomasymptom, ismelanomacurable, stage 3bmelanoma, lungs cancer symptoms, survival rates formelanoma,symptoms ofmelanoma, melanomasurvivors, melanomasymptons, melanomasurvival, treatments ofmelanoma,symptons ofmelanoma, melanomastatistics, non small cellmelanoma, chemo formelanoma, melanomasurvival rate, large cellmelanoma, effects ofmelanoma, melanomascreening, melanomadiagnosis, melanomasociety, melanomaclinical trials, melanomametastasis, survival ratemelanoma, symptom ofmelanoma, info onmelanoma, new treatments formelanoma, how common ismelanoma
Dr. Jeff Weber Credentials:
Director, Donald A. Adam Comprehensive Melanoma Research Center
Department/Program Affiliations:
Cutaneous Oncology
Primary Address:
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Education & Training:
Fellow, National Cancer Institute, 1990 - Surgery Branch, Tumor Immunology
Fellow, National Cancer Institute, 1988 - Surgery Branch, Tumor Immunology
Fellow, National Cancer Institute, 1986 - Medicine Branch
Resident, University of California, 1983 - Medicine