Home > Patient Educational Videos > Prostate Cancer - What is the Treatment of Stage 4 Castrate Resistance Prostate Cancer?

Treatment of Castrate (Hormone) Resistant Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with an estimated 900,000 cases and 258,000 deaths in 2008. The clinical behavior of prostate cancer ranges from a microscopic, well-differentiated tumor to an aggressive cancer with high likelihood of invasion and metastasis (spread to other organs).

Prostate cancer has increased in frequency, due in part to the widespread availability of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing. The incidence peaked in 1992, declined between 1992 and 1995, and has been rising about 1 percent annually since then. The reasons for the increasing incidence are not known.

Since the introduction of widespread screening using serum PSA, prostate cancer is often diagnosed while asymptomatic. However, screening with serum PSA is controversial, since many of the prostate cancers discovered in this manner may never be clinically significant.

A prostate biopsy is indicated in men with a digital rectal examination that is suspicious for cancer, even if the serum PSA is normal.   Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) is often used to evaluate abnormalities detected by digital rectal examination and to guide sites for prostate biopsy

There is significant overlap in the serum PSA values that accompany prostate cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy, but the likelihood of finding cancer on a prostate biopsy increases with higher PSA values. In one series, the positive predictive value for detecting prostate cancer on prostate biopsy with serum PSA levels 4 to 10 ng/mL and >10 ng/mL were 21 to 22, and 42 to 64 percent, respectively.

Here, Dr. Tony Talebi discusses the treatment of castrate resistant stage 4 prostate cancer with Dr. Rakesh Singal, associate professor of oncology at the University of Miami and a world renowned figure in genitourinary cancers.  The discussion includes symptoms, staging, genetic implications, diagnosis, PSA values, surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy for prostate cancer,prostate cancer prognosis, what causes prostate cancer, signs of prostate cancer, prostate cancer symptoms, prostate cancer, prostate cancer stage 4, treatment of prostate cancer, prostate cancer association, stage four prostate cancer, small cell prostate cancer, symtoms of prostate cancer, causes of prostate cancer, prostate cancer chemotherapy, what is prostate cancer, prostate cancers, prostate cancer information, prostate cancer prevention, stage 4 prostate cancer, information about prostate cancer, stage iv prostate cancer, prostate cancer signs, prostate cancer symptom, is prostate cancer curable, stage 3b prostate cancer, lungs cancer symptoms, survival rates for prostate cancer, symptoms of prostate cancer, prostate cancer survivors, prostate cancer symptons, prostate cancer survival, treatments of prostate cancer, symptons of prostate cancer, prostate cancer statistics, non small cell prostate cancer, chemo for prostate cancer, prostate cancer survival rate, large cell prostate cancer, effects of prostate cancer, prostate cancer screening, prostate cancer diagnosis, prostate cancer society, prostate cancer clinical trials, prostate cancer metastasis, survival rate prostate cancer, symptom of prostate cancer, info on prostate cancer, new treatments for prostate cancer, how common is prostate cancer.

Dr. Rakesh Singal credentials:


American Board of Internal Medicine

American Board of Internal Med-Hematology

American Board of Internal Med-Medical Oncology


  • Hematology/Oncology - Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine


  • Associate Professor of Medicine

Clinical Interests

Genitourinary maliganancies, prostate cancer, bladder cancer

Research Interests

Prostate cancer, epigenetics, transcriptional regulation, DNA methylation, chromatin structure, biomarkers


Maulana Azad Medical College
MetroHealth Medical Center
University of Minnesota
Maulana Azad Medical College
MetroHealth Medical Center
University of Minnesota