Kidney cancer or Renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), which originate within the renal cortex, constitute 80 to 85 percent of primary kidney (renal) neoplasms. Transitional cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis are the next most common (approximately 8 percent). Other parenchymal epithelial tumors, such as oncocytomas, collecting duct tumors, and renal sarcomas, are rare.
Kidney Cancer Symptoms
Patients with kidney cancer or RCC can present with a range of symptoms; unfortunately, many patients are asymptomatic until the disease is advanced. At presentation, approximately 25 percent of individuals either have distant metastases or advanced locoregional disease.
Patients with localized disease can present with a wide array of symptoms and/or laboratory abnormalities, or they may be diagnosed incidentally. The most common presenting symptoms were blood in the urine (hematuria), abdominal mass, pain, and weight loss.
Kidney Cancer Treatments
For patients with isolated, solid kidney masses, resection with either a partial or complete nephrectomy is preferred to biopsy because it provides both the diagnosis and definitive treatment.
Here, Dr. Tony Talebi discusses general concepts of kidney cancer (RCC) with Dr. Jaime Merchan, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center including symptoms, diagnosis, staging, surgery, RFA, high dose IL-2, and chemotherapy treatment for kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma,Kidney cancerprognosis, what causeskidney cancer, signs ofkidney cancer, kidney cancersymptoms, kidney cancer, kidney cancerstage 4, treatment ofkidney cancer, kidney cancerassociation, stage fourkidney cancer, small cellkidney cancer, symtoms ofkidney cancer, causes ofkidney cancer, kidney cancerchemotherapy, what iskidney cancer, kidney cancers, kidney cancerinformation, kidney cancerprevention, stage 4kidney cancer, information aboutkidney cancer,stage ivkidney cancer, kidney cancersigns, kidney cancersymptom, iskidney cancercurable, stage 3bkidney cancer,lungs cancer symptoms, survival rates forkidney cancer, symptoms ofkidney cancer, kidney cancersurvivors, kidney cancersymptons, kidney cancersurvival, treatments ofkidney cancer, symptons ofkidney cancer, kidney cancerstatistics, non small cellkidney cancer, chemo forkidney cancer, kidney cancersurvival rate, large cellkidney cancer, effects ofkidney cancer, kidney cancerscreening, kidney cancerdiagnosis, kidney cancersociety, kidney cancerclinical trials, kidney cancermetastasis, survival ratekidney cancer, symptom ofkidney cancer, info onkidney cancer, new treatments forkidney cancer, how common iskidney cancer.